#Disable adobe update pdf#
When set to Disabled, Create Buzzword Document does not appear on the File - Collaborate menu."ĮnableCreateAdobePDFUsingAcrobatcom="Enable Create Adobe PDF Using "ĮnableCreateAdobePDFUsingAcrobatcom_Help="When set to Enabled, Create Adobe PDF Using appears on the File menu. When set to Disabled, it prevents the display of the Product Improvment Display dialog"ĮnableCreateBuzzwordDocument="Enable Create Buzzword Document"ĮnableCreateBuzzwordDocument_Help="When set to Enabled, Create Buzzword Document appears on the File - Collaborate menu. When set to Disabled, Digital Editions option does not appear on the File menu."ĮnableProductImprovementProgram="Enable Product Improvement Program"ĮnableProductImprovementProgram_Help="When set to Enabled, it allows the display of the Product Improvment Display dialog. When set to Disabled, Purchase Adobe Acrobat option does not appear on the Help menu."ĮnableDigitalEditions="Enable Digital Editions"ĮnableDigitalEditions_Help="When set to Enabled, Digital Editions option appears on the File menu. When set to Disabled, Adobe Updater cannot run and the 'Check for updates' option does not appear on the Help menu."ĮnablePurchaseAdobeAcrobat="Enable Purchase Adobe Acrobat"ĮnablePurchaseAdobeAcrobat_Help="When set to Enabled, Purchase Adobe Acrobat option appears on the Help menu. When set to Disabled the EULA will be displayed for the user to accept at first run."ĮnableAdobeUpdater="Enable Adobe Updater 6"ĮnableAdobeUpdater_Help="When set to Enabled, Adobe Updater can run and the 'Check for updates' option appears on the Help menu. When set to Disabled Acrobat Reader will not check for updates at startup."ĭonotdisplayEULA="Do not display EULA (non-policy)"ĭonotdisplayEULA_Help="When set to Enabled the EULA will be not displayed for the user to accept at first run. KEYNAME "SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\9.0\JSPrefs"Ĭheckforupdatesatstart_Help=""When set to Enabled Acrobat Reader will check for updates at startup. KEYNAME "SOFTWARE\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\9.0\Originals" KEYNAME "SOFTWARE\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\JSPrefs" KEYNAME "SOFTWARE\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\Originals"

KEYNAME "SOFTWARE\Policies\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\9.0\FeatureLockdown\cDocumentStatus" KEYNAME "SOFTWARE\Policies\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\9.0\FeatureLockdown" KEYNAME "SOFTWARE\Policies\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\FeatureLockdown\cDocumentStatus" POLICY !!EnableCreateAdobePDFUsingAcrobatcomĮXPLAIN !!EnableCreateAdobePDFUsingAcrobatcom_HelpĮXPLAIN !!EnforceDisplayPDFinBrowser_Help KEYNAME "SOFTWARE\Policies\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\FeatureLockdown"ĮXPLAIN !!EnablePurchaseAdobeAcrobat_HelpĮXPLAIN !!EnableProductImprovementProgram_HelpĮXPLAIN !!EnableCreateBuzzwordDocument_Help KEYNAME "Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\AdobeViewer" KEYNAME "Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\9.0\AVGeneral" When set to Disabled Java will not check for updates at startup." When set to Disabled, Java Updater cannot run and the 'Check for updates' option does not appear on the Help menu."Ĭheckforupdatesatstart="Check for updates at start (non-policy)"Ĭheckforupdatesatstart_Help=""When set to Enabled Java will check for updates at startup. KEYNAME "SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Update\Policy"ĮnableJavaUpdater_Help="When set to Enabled, Java Updater can run and the 'Check for updates' option appears on the Help menu. (Note: The Adobe template was created by Rick Patterson and is far more in depth than the java one and can be downloaded from the link provided below, I just wanted to provide the text because I know many people are still leary of downloading unknown Then click view, click filtering, and uncheck the "only show policy settings that can be fully managed". You will also need to click on administrative templates, adm files you just saved (one for java, one for Adobe) and import them. You can go into your GPMC and right click administrative templates (under computer), click add templates, and browse to the two. Just copy all of the text in between the lines, paste the text into notepad, and save the file as a JavaAutoUpdater.adm, and AdobeAutoUpdater.adm, then

#Disable adobe update how to#
Here is how to disable / enable Java and Adobe Auto Updates on a group of computers via a GPO. adm template just to simply enable or disable Java auto Updater via a GPO.